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Notes from conversation with MikeHill, PeterMarks, RachelDavies, DavidDunn

  • Archivable meetings that people could unlock and go back to - preserving drawings on walls. These could be viewed by people who weren't at the original meeting. Eg, used by new starters to observe how architecture was decided.
  • Would be nice to have some sort of CCTV feeds - see people on other floors, in other buildings. See who's pair programming with who.
  • Tools such as storyboards, standups, build status etc, integrating and converging lots of existing tools, that work well on their own.
  • Realism of webconferencing integrated into virtual worlds. Input devices (crude examples from some Portsmouth students, rednose interface into Second Life. an input device that made it possible to map one aspect of a real person (e.g. head movement) to an avatar.
  • Going beyond what is possible to do in the real 3D world...
  • Where is a 3D metaphor useful and where is it not helpful.

Notes from conversation with GilesCope, IvanMoore, JoseAlsina, YasuoKozato

  • Visual cues for local time and hungriness of Avatars, E.g. sleepy if late at night, Holding a coffee if early morning, Hungry if close to lunch time.
  • 3D Debugging of multi-threaded code, stacked stack traces with indications on which threads are waiting on which locks.
  • Cue as to how interruptible people are if they are pairing.
  • Who is working/pairing with whom and what are they working on.
  • Timetravel through meetings and creation of documents (diagrams, story card walls etc.).
  • Bandwidth constraints: We don't want to have to come into the office just to video conference with others.
  • 3D wiki. See who else is editing / viewing the same or nearby pages.
  • Water-levels rising to indicate things going wrong.