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Inversion of Control Containers in Java


Today, business components typically run inside some sort of container, which provides the components with a standard runtime environment and a set of generally useful services. Containers help to standardise the form of business components and reduce redundancy between them, so helping components to be integrated to form applications.

J2EE and .NET both provide sophisticated containers for their components, residing within application servers. However, the complexity and development difficulties that such containers bring with them have recently led to a number of so-called "lightweight" or "inversion of control" (I'oC) containers being developed, which allow Java components to be hosted less intrustively and with less development and runtime overhead.

This session introduced the idea of application component containers and illustrated the benefits and drawbacks of both the approach, and the individual containers, in the context of practical exercises.


  • An Eclipse archive file containing the exercises, solutions and library dependencies as projects is here: Import this file into Eclipse 3.1 using the File --> Import --> Archive File facility.

As the session was tutorial in form, there were no outputs as such.

EoinWoods & WolfSchlegel

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