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Andy Carmichael is VP of International Operations for <b>Ivis Technologies LLC</b> [1], spearheading its sales, services and product management through overseas offices, partners and distributors. Andy is well known in the software engineering and object-oriented software communities, through his writing, consulting and speaking on methods and process. Andy is a technical editor for <i>Application Development Advisor</i> magazine and has edited two books for Cambridge University Press - <i>Object Development Methods</i> (1994) and <i>Developing Business Objects</i> (1998). His latest book on agile development, <i>Better Software Faster</i> [2] (2002), co-authored with DanHaywood, is published by Prentice-Hall.

Alongside his technical expertise, Andy's experience as a business builder spans three decades, with senior management responsibilities in Systematica, Object UK (which he founded) and TogetherSoft, which acquired Object UK and where he served as European Director of Professional Services. He has BSc and PhD degrees from the University of Southampton, is a Certified Engineer and a Fellow of the British Computer Society.


Work: Ivis Technologies LLC

Email: andy.carmichael at
