BCS SPA Software in Practice

24th – 26th June 2019

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Keynote Speaker at SPA 2019

Torgeir Dingsøyr

Torgeir Dingsøyr

Agile Development in Large-Scale: Challenges and Insight from Research

Agile methods were aimed at small, co-located teams developing non-critical software products. The success of these methods for small teams have led to use in projects with tens of teams and hundreds of developers. Are agile methods suited in this new context? What fundamental assumptions in agile methods become challenging with scale? What can we learn from prior studies on key areas such as managing uncertainty, coordination, sharing knowledge, self management and tailoring of development method?


Torgeir Dingsøyr is chief scientist at the SINTEF research foundation and adjunct professor at Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He has conducted empirical studies of teamwork, knowledge management and recently large-scale agile projects. He is co-editor of the special issue on Large-Scale Agile Development in IEEE Software (March/April 2019). He is a member of a research group which has been ranked most active group in the world on agile software development. He is currently on a research stay at the Open University and with the University of London, Royal Holloway.

More information: https://www.ntnu.edu/employees/dingsoyr