Writing slow regexp is easier than you think (and want it to be)

Difference between fast and slow regular expressions can be so small many developers do not notice it. It is worth to focus on it, as a slow regex can stop entire application.

Talk with excercises (practice


Although regular expressions are commonly used in software development, few developers think about their performance. The sad truth is that a badly written regexp can severely damage application performance (both on server-side and in a browser). How to write a regular expression that is not only correct but also efficient?

To answer this question I will explain how regular expressions work. Basing on that I will show why two similar regexps may have exponential differences in performance. I will explain how to optimise regular expressions by giving examples related to text search, form validation and text parsing. I will also tell what I learnt while handling seemingly simple task of counting numbers in texts written in various languages. During the session participants will have possibility to try various techniques of regexp optimization.

How to efficiently validate an input text? What traps to avoid during searching in big files? Why is it a good idea to write long regular expressions? And last but not least: is it possible that a simple and innocent looking regexp can stop an application? These are questions I want to answer in my talk.

Audience background

Basic knowledge of regular expressions and text processing. Programming skills in at least one language.

Benefits of participating

Understanding of theory behind regular expressions and popular methods of implementation. Common performance pitfails. and techniques of regexp optimization. Threats related to using regular expressions.

Materials provided

Slides, exercises.


Talk interleaved with exercises.

Detailed timetable

- 00:00 - 00:15 introduction, examples of slow and fast regular expressions (with exercises)
- 00:15 - 00:30 regexp engine internals and theory
- 00:30 - 00:50 regexp time complexity and optimization techniques (with exercises)
- 00:50 - 01:05 threats related to regular expressions: catastrophic backtracking, ReDOS (examples and exercises)
- 01:05 - 01:15 summary, questions


Presentation: https://speakerdeck.com/mrzasa/writing-slow-regexp-is-easier-than-you-think-and-want-it-to-be

Exercises and references: https://regex-performance.github.io/exercises


  1. Maciej Rzasa