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Apologies for the delay in starting this write-up: as those af you at OT know, I was moving house and moving job at the same time as OT. Now the dust has settled, it's time to unroll those flip-charts and get down to business...


Session objectives

  • Learn about Lean Thinking
  • and consider what Lean tells us about Agile and vice versa
  • Think about value in software
  • what it is
  • who it is for
  • Develop techniques for Value Stream Mapping
  • Understand how value flows in current development practice
  • Identify things we can do to increase the flow of value
  • remove waste
  • promote flow of information


  • A paper outlining the history of lean thinking and considering its lessons for agile software development File:TheSoftwareValueChain1.pdf
  • Session slides (to be uploaded)

Overall observations

  • There's a lot of value in the lean perspective
  • Value Stream Mapping is a useful discipline
  • Notation and concepts need refining for a product development (rather than production) environment
  • Nevertheless (and interestingly) starting with an inadequate notation was still valuable


Working in groups of four, the goal of the workshop was to produce concrete recommendations for improving the flow of value in software development. We took care to organise these groups around people with similar project cultures, it's interesting to note that the resulting scale (on a traditional-to-agile axis) is reflected in the proposals in the outputs.

(to be continued)

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