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Software Architecture with Viewpoints and Perspectives

Session description: 1

Session Materials

Session Results

The session was a tutorial, so we didn't generate a lot of output, but observations on the exercise were:

  • All of the groups seemed to find the Functional and Deployment views useful.
  • All of the groups doing an information system sketched a Development view.
  • Several groups found the Information view useful (but not all the information systems ones interestingly).
  • The Operational view was seen as useful but most people didn't have time to develop one.
  • The only group that appeared to discuss the Concurrency view much was the one considering a control system. Perhaps this view isn't of much general interest for information systems (perhaps J2EE/.NET make it less relevant?)

We didn't have time to do the exercise on Perspectives, so didn't get to find out which ones where the most useful.

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