SPA Conference session: Code History Analysis and Visualization

One-line description:This session is a demo of code history analysis and interactive visualisations for some well-known projects like JUnit and IntelliJ IDEA.
Session format: Case Study [read about the different session types]
Abstract:In software development industry most projects have quite detailed history of changes stored in version control systems. It is relatively easy to access change history but we mostly focus on changes in specific areas (e.g. when particular line of code was added) and rarely look at project history as a whole.

This session is a demo of code history analysis and interactive visualizations for some well-known projects like JUnit and IntelliJ IDEA. The idea is that it can be used to get an overview of unfamiliar project or get insight into project you are currently working on. The main goal of the session is to showcase ways in which history can be analysed and inspire audience to try these techniques on their own projects.
Audience background: - Previous experience using version control systems
- Relevant jobs: software developers
Benefits of participating:The main goal of the session is to showcase ways in which history can be analysed and inspire audience to try these techniques on their own projects.
Materials provided:Links to online materials and tools related to code history analysis.
Process:Mix of slides and visualization demos.
Detailed timetable:N/A
Outputs:Links to slides, demos and tools.
History:I presented similar talks at London Software Craftsmanship meetups and Software Archaeology conference.
1. Dmitry Kandalov
Code Mine
2. 3.