SPA Conference session: Are projects agile

One-line description:#noprojects has sparked a debate that has been brewing for a few years now so let's explore this some more
Session format: Workshop [read about the different session types]
Abstract:Good software provides value and benefit to its users. Most good software has a long life; and most good software evolves continuously, keeping pace with the needs of its users.

By contrast, a project is, by definition, a temporary structure created to manage and deliver a specific goal. Some projects that were run using agile software development techniques have succeeded, and some have failed. What is it about the context, team structure and governance of those that succeeded (and what was their definition of success) compared to those that failed? Do projects even make sense in a truly agile software development context?

This workshop will ask participants to explore whether projects are a good fit for software development. Participants will work in small groups to exchange thoughts and ideas, build them into a coherent viewpoint and present them back to the other groups.
Audience background:Experience in a company doing software development, ideally doing or trying to do agile but not vital
Benefits of participating:A clearer understanding of some of the issues we encounter when software development is treated as a project
Contexts in which this can work and contexts in which it can't
Ideas for determining the context of your own software development
Materials provided:
* Session objectives
* Some motivating examples
* Session process

Round 1
* Split into teams of 4(-ish)
* Challenge TBC
* Brainstorm towards a poster that can be presented back to the whole group

Round 2
* subtle adjustment...
* Continue brainstorming (helped by beginners mind?) and produce poster

* Each team presents their poster to the whole group

Conclusions and wrap up
Detailed timetable:00 - 05 Intro
05 - 20 Round 1
20 - 35 Round 2
35 - 60 Presentations
60 - 70 Conclusions and wrap up
5 minutes to flex where it's needed

Could alter - based on success of XP2016 workshop
Outputs:Will create a blog post from posters
History:This session will be delivered with Kevin Rutherford at XP2016 in May
1. Andy Longshaw
2. 3.