SPA Conference session: Building an Outside-In Test Driven CDN

One-line description:A tutorial demonstrating the ability to use an outside-in process to build a CDN infrastructure.
Session format: Tutorial (150 minutes) [read about the different session types]
Abstract:CDNs are a powerful means of optimising global web site performance, but when is their use most appropriate? Often CDNs are deployed without formal tests in place. Can we use CDNs to solve specific customer problems in a test driven way? Are there any services and tools that can help us?

We will explore how we can use outside-in TDD to make use of a CDN to solve specific problems with a web site. We will introduce Fastly - a CDN that can be programmatically deployed and demonstrate that its configuration (in the form of Varnish Configuration Language - or VCL) can be tested in an isolated fashion through mocking.

The aim is to make an end-to-test performance test pass by test driving a deployment of a CDN, but also satisfy more complex requirements by building out configuration in a deeper abstraction layer.
Audience background:Basic knowledge of web sites, a programming language and testing frameworks.
Benefits of participating:To gain a deeper understanding of building out CDN infrastructure through testing.
Materials provided:Boilerplate code and tooling.
Process:Instructor-led explanation of a problem and technologies that will help us.
Practical exercises in writing E2E tests; deploying a CDN and testing behaviour.
Reflection on what we have gained from the process and any potential limitations with our approach.
Detailed timetable:00:00 - 00:15 What are CDNs, why are they useful? Problems they solve. Do you need one? Outside-in development
00:15 - 00:25 Introduce problem
00:25 - 00:45 Introduce and discuss E2E tests
00:45 - 01:05 Introduce Fastly
01:05 - 01:30 Going deeper: Testing VCL
01:30 - 02:00 Deploying VCL
02:00 - 02:30 Summary and discussion. What have we gained by our approach? What pitfalls are there? Conclusions/questions
Outputs:Blog post
1. Robert Hargreaves
2. Leon Hewitt