SPA Conference session: Retrospectives Refactored

One-line description:Understanding the Anatomy of a Useful Retrospective
Session format: Tutorial (75 mins) [read about the different session types]
Abstract:Retrospectives help teams reflect on what they learned and work out how to improve. Sadly, most people run retrospectives without a much understanding the underlying dynamics. This can lead to retrospectives that are disconnected from the team's work and a waste of time. Come to this session to gain insights into the underlying structure of retrospectives and how to improve them.
Audience background:No special experience required. Will be of interest to team leads, managers, and facilitators.
Benefits of participating:Learn something new about the anatomy of a retrospective.
Experiment with design to understand how to improve your own retrospectives.
Materials provided:Slide presentation.
Sticky notes and markers if we need them for the exercise.
Process:The session starts with a brief introduction round to understand experience level of participants
A presentation about effective retrospective design follows. This will be based on my experience of what works rather than regurgitating material from "Project Retrospectives" and "Agile Retrospectives" books.
Participants will have a go at creating a design in pairs and then the design will be refactored following pair rotation.
Wrap up the session with a structured debrief.
Detailed timetable:00:00-00:05 Introduction
00:05-00:20 Presentation
00:20-00:35 Design
00:35-00:55 Refactoring
00:55-00:15 Debrief
Outputs:Slide presentation and notes from interactive discussion.
History:New proposal. Although I ran a session about retrospectives at OT2003.
1. Rachel Davies
Agile Experience Ltd
2. 3.