SPA Conference session: Best Practices for Finding your way into new Projects - quickly...

One-line description:
Session format: Workshop (150 mins) [read about the different session types]
We all know the situation: We are new in an IT-Project - there is very little documentation, and very few people to help us get into the project. I'm implying that most of us don't just arrive in a project - and "hey, presto!" by magic understand the project, are integrated in the team and start being productive.
I'm sure over the years many of you have collected best practices that you repeat when arriving in new project contexts… and I have started analysing what I do - what doesn't work and what does… and probably will work next time too! The goal of this workshop is to collect proven best practices for getting into projects and start being productive quickly.
We will spend the first few minutes introducing our best practices. Then we will spend a few moments thinking and brainstorming about the problems that occur when starting out in projects. We will then try and associate the problems to the collected best practices or other ideas of best practices. After this we will divide into groups and brainstorm about forces and consequences of using the best practices.
Audience background:IT-Developer
Benefits of participating:- exchanging best practices for getting into IT-Projects
- understanding the underlying problems for getting into IT-Projects and possible solutions better.
- gathering best practices with the goal to continue work on them.
Materials provided:
Process:Group working in brainstorming session to gather these best practices
Detailed timetable:0:00 - 0:30 introduction and gathering best practices
0:30 - 1:00 thinking and brainstorming about the problems that occur when starting out in projects.
1:00 - 1:15 associate the problems to the collected best practices or other ideas of best practices.
1:15 - 2:15 In groups brainstorm about forces and consequences of using the best practices.
2:15 - 2:30 introducing the group outcomes
Outputs:poster at conference and - if feasible - action points to record the practices and make them available to others - e.g. as patterns.
1. Marina Haase
2. 3.