SPA Conference session: Automatic for the People -- process implications of automated testing

One-line description:Exploration of the challenges, costs, benefits and implications of Automated Testing
Session format: Case study (75 mins) [read about the different session types]
Abstract:In recent years the Agile movement has rediscovered the old Software Engineering principle,of "test early, test often". A cottage industry has grown up around lightweight tools for intensive automated testing (unit, functional and system) which allows for more, more frequent and earlier testing than every before. Software Engineers have gained a new enthusiasm for testing, even to the extent of testing systems that do not yet exist.

These tools and practices have a habit of escaping from their intended domain and spreading across an organisation, and even out of the development silo all together. This can present both alarming opportunities and welcome challenges for the business surrounding system construction. They challenge what has become the common view of "testing", and of "requirements", and of "design".

This case study briefly illustrates the techniques and technologies used in a number of varied automated testing engagements in the financial sector. It then explores the deep implications they have had for the organization, people, and processes involved with them.
Audience background:No particular previous experience will be assumed, there will be relatively little discussion of the testing technology itself.

Suitable for testers, business analysts, project managers, developers
Benefits of participating:Gain an understanding of the range of test automation practice that can be achieved with relatively simple tools. See how automated testing is applied to a range of application types: desktop rich client, desktop web client, batch processing, middleware.

Understand the implications for the organization of adopting these practices:
Changes in various roles: tester, developer, business analyst
Changes in process: implications for planning, new ways to track progress
Changes in artefacts: a new way of thinking about tests, a new way of thinking about requirements
Materials provided:Slide pack, example tests
Process:Interactive presentation
Detailed timetable:00:00 Start Talking
all points between, take questions
01:15 Stop Talking
Outputs:Slides to be published on website.
History:Not given before
1. Keith Braithwaite
Zuhlke Ltd
2. 3.