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I was Conference Chair for SPA2005 and OT2004. Sadly I wasn't able to attend SPA2006 or SPA2007. Hopefully I'll be back sometime soon.

I've earned a living from technology since 1993. I've been a developer, designer, architect, team leader, project manager and outsourced relationship manager.

In November 2007 I moved to as Solution Architect for Travelsupermarket. Since joining Moneysupemarket I have changed role and I'm now Head of Business Engagement - responsible for the relationship between IT and the business and delivery of the IT Plan.

I co-led a session at OT2001 called "Extreme Programming in the Real World" where we considered the difficulties that arise when you try to introduce XP to a large organisation that has a more traditional approach to IT.

At OT2002 I co-presented an Introduction to XP called "Extreme Programming - The Software Generation Game". It was designed in response to feedback that most of the XP sessions at OT2001 assumed prior knowledge of the method.

At OT2003 I co-presented "Fighting Fire with Fire - A Pattern Language for Rotten Projects". This workshop set out to begin documenting a Pattern Language to prevent software development projects from going bad.

At OT2004 I co-presented "A picture paints a thousand words... Or does it?" which considered the differences between good and bad architecture and design documentation. It discussed the ways in which we can produce or influence the production of better documentation.


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