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Worked in the early seventies on programming languages (JOSS, AlgolW, PL360 and Algol 68). Was involved in writing an early Algol 68 compiler at Cambridge University and was the technical editor and one of the authors of the PL/I ISO Standard. In the late 70s and early 80s was involved with introducing Software Engineering into IBM Europe using a technology transfer program. In the eighties worked on formal methods (VDM) and was technical editor of the VDM-SL Standard and the main author of the Modula-2 ISO Standard (and thus has a rather colourful view of the Standardisation process!).

He is very interested in software development methods and the theory behind them --- the user doesn't need to know how or why they work, but there should be a solid foundation behind any development method/technique. He has written several books and many papers on these ideas. Was also the main author of an Open University course on formal methods.

Has worked and consulted in software development for more years than he would like to admit ... and became interested in OO again in the early '80s when trying to formally define some early OO languages. He now works for Trireme specializing in modelling and CBD.

Biggest mistake: not fighting for SIMULA-67 rather than ALGOL 68 as the implementation language for an early operating system in 1971 ...


Work: Trireme International Ltd

Email: derek.andrews at

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